When I learned all of us are just ET souls that left our spirit home and put on human body spacesuits to experience life in the physical dream world to find love, I set out to join up with the source I'd left behind. That's the idea here in #1 - AWAKEN.
Awaken silent friend that
I found sleeping here inside,
Time for us once more to share
The laughter and friend words
That were a symphony we played
Somewhere far away and long ago…
Awaken now the ears that heard your melodies,
Awaken now the heart that knew you then.
Let these eyes see and know you
Growing like the butterfly
Whose life no longer footsteps
By the inch across a stem
But soars from rose to daffodil
Across clear streams and over hills…
Somehow I know that
While he crawled from leaf to leaf
He had the same joy that I feel
In finding you asleep inside me
As he labored many days
To cross a patch of garden
Covered now in one brief moment
On his rainbow-colored wings
I know he knew it then…
I’ve learned to hear again
So you can wake up now
And we can share the joy that
He has given us to paint
Upon the rainbow moments
Of eternity.
I hear you now again inside
Like the soft call deep in quiet earth
That wakes up sleeping seed-souls to join
The fresh dance of colors that is springtime…
You’re a friend who brings a gift of love so wide
It fills me like sunshine on a sunny day…
And like a day that needs its light
I will hold you forever with the eager arms
Of my soul reaching out to find you
In every moment everywhere…
I climb tall mountains of loud days
And run home for the healing of your love,
I hide in quiet spaces where I touch you gently
Like a bee soft upon a fragrant resting place
That flies away with sweetness and the
Golden dust of pollen on his wings…
Now I know the sound of your voice
I hear you call me from everywhere,
I answer you in all my days and nights
On all the long and winding roads of my forever
Where I give voice to the silent song of you inside
And share all that you have given me to be
So your voice can wake and sing strong
In all the yearning hearts
Of all eternity…
#102 FREE
I will be
Completely free
When I can forget all
The pains of my life
Because I am and live
All the lessons they taught me
At the same time I know
I am only as free as the
Forgiveness I allow myself
For those things I’ve done
In my life of which
I am most ashamed
This morning I
Got up before dawn
So I could watch the sun
Push away the darkness
With usual serenity and poise
Regardless of the noise
And tasks upon my way
Today will be peaceful
Because I took a moment
To welcome in me
What I saw outside
The sunrise of my soul
To fill my day with its
Enfolding light
Our rumpus room
Is totally disordered with
Toys of fun others of pain
Scattered everywhere
On all parts of our planet floor
All of us are hurt and bruised
From too many too rough games
It’s getting like we don’t remember
How to be on good behavior anymore
So we may be allowed into
Other rooms of who You are
Please help with new games to learn
And play here in our planet room
So everyone may once again
Safe happy and without fear
Enjoy the thrill of
Being here
#103 FACES
If I were a snowball
And I could run
I would keep away from the
Deforming heat of the sun
That would stop me
From being what I am
Since I am human running
Life races of my own
I must keep safe from
The deforming heat of hate
That destroys my contact and
Silences the language
Of my soul
#213 REACT
Have you ever thought
How strange it is that
Birds, tigers, dogs, elephants
Cats, horses, porpoises
And human beings
All need and respond
The same way
To love?

#104 PEAKS
There are no lakes
On jagged peaks
Because water does not
Gather there
In our lives and minds
We assemble the rocks
Valleys and jagged peaks
Of who we become
Peace is like water waiting
For us to make a space to fill
With a cosmic symphony
It can only play and
We can only hear in
The deep silence
Of peace
Wherever he went
As he wandered
Through the countryside
Saint Francis was followed
By birds and animals
He spoke with them
And they could answer him
I know this was not a case
Of a man talking to